Sunday, October 16, 2016



 This is a post which Eva wrote for our academic blog about our trip to Belfast. This blog contains the adventures of Brad, Meghann, Elizabeth, and Eva. 


This past weekend we were in Northern Ireland. We spent a few nights on the coast of Downhill, a beach in front of the house and a cliff behind. It was beautiful. Our last day was spent in Belfast. We first heard a lecture from Brian, our bus driver. He shared his personal views and thoughts regarding the Troubles. After that, he drove us around Belfast. Noel joined us on the bus to tell us the other side of the story. It was very interesting to hear from both sides of the conflict, and it was uneasy to physically be in Belfast and feel the weight of sorrow in the city.

We heard from Brian first- so I will share what we learned from him. As we entered the city, Brian pointed out the peace wall as we drove past. He kept mentioning the murals that we would see and how they change often. This proves how the conflict and unrest are still present in Belfast. People are still exercising their freedom of speech because they want to be heard. Despite the reconciliation of peace in 1998, the peace walls are still standing today, although they are more emblems of the war. These peace walls go on for 22 miles, and a good portion of them are covered in murals. Now, we saw a good portion of murals, and it would take up the whole blog to go through and explain each. I also think that seeing the walls in person is more meaningful than reading about them. However, I will share a few that stood out to me during the morning with Brian. One mural simply had the quote, “It is not those who can inflict the most but those who can endure the most that will conquer.” I was not able to catch who said that but I found it profound. Even for my personal life. Another mural had pastel colored houses on a white background. Underneath each house had a child’s name. This got me thinking about how the Troubles affected families. The conflict went on for years and some people only new life between the start and end of the conflict. Again, I was saddened by these thoughts when I looked at the murals. Another mural depicted what is happening in the present with youth employment, learning, conflict resolution, reconciliation, and education. It was really neat to see that in the midst of tension today, the city is working hard on creating a better future for their children. The murals held so many other stories that struck a chord in my heart, but hopefully, that feeling is something that can be experienced by others in person.

We made a few stops with Brian to a few memorials. What stirred feelings of sadness in my heart was the thought that each neighborhood has a handful of memorials dedicated to all the lives that were lost during the conflict from each section of the city. The first memorial had a phoenix rising out of the ashes. This image is powerful in that it tells of rebirth and sunlight. Perhaps the hope was to show that from the horror, peace would be brought forth and light would be shed upon the darkness of Belfast. Another memorial listed civilians who were killed- including six women by the crown forces and loyalist murder gangs.

After some time learning about the Troubles with Brian, a man of similar age came on the bus. His name was Noel, and he held a very different perspective of the Troubles. Noel has spent the last 13 years working on the communication between the two sides of the Troubles and developing tours for people to learn and further understand the issues. What led him to be so passionate about enhancing communication on either side of the wall was from his experience of being an ex-politically motivated prisoner. As we toured around Belfast with Noel, he pointed out how the houses were built by mill owners. These homes were built without any windows to protect against sudden bombs. The houses at the top of the street were Protestant-owned, and the houses at the bottom were Catholic-owned. Noel would tell us about the barricades that were created on either side. After years of conflict, bombings, and prisoners, there was a ceasefire in 1994. However, the tension did not settle then. A peace treaty was drawn up in 1998, but I can attest to the tension and sadness that still exists in Belfast today. When the peace treaty was created, the prisoners who served over 2/3 of their sentence were released. This included Noel and so he was released. From our time with Noel, I was overwhelmed by the unrest and hatred that seemed to exist. At one point, Noel showed us a field of yellow flowers and said how that once was a bonfire during the conflict. My heart ached, but the beauty of the flowers almost seemed to be redemptive of the peace that is slowly coming back to these people. A mural that we saw depicted children playing games in black and white. As we moved along the wall, the color was introduced, and the kids began to play games from this century. The cloth football became a rubber ball, and a game of stones became a kid with a music player. This mural was to educate viewers on the good outcomes of such hard times. One final story that I will share is when Noel took out the guitar and played a song about Billy. It turns out that Billy was a union volunteer fighter who saved his whole team by throwing his body on top of a bomb that went off early. The song was moving, and I was saddened to hear that he was not given a grave.

At the end of the day we were all exhausted, and personally, I was confused, sad and still had so many questions about the Troubles. To come to Ireland and not know much about the history, I have felt a huge sense of empathy for what happened here. I have seen how the history lectures lead up to what is happening today in Ireland and I appreciate that. Belfast was a really interesting day, filled with so much information. However, it was emotionally challenging as well. Other blog sites have held a lot of history that is fascinating and inspiring almost. Belfast held history that confused me and made me revisit the idea of God in all of this. How has God used the conflict in Northern Ireland to bring people together? Surely that is seen through the relationship between Brian and Noel, but where else has that happened? Still, so many questions to ask and more to learn.

Dunbrody Famine Ship and JFK Homestead

This is a post which Elizabeth and Meghann wrote for our academic blog about our trip to Wexford to see the Dunbrody Famine Ship and the JFK Homestead. This blog contains the adventures of Brad, Meghann, Elizabeth, and Eva.


So many people during the "Great Hunger" sailed across the sea to the Americas and Canada that this globe has a burning flame within it to show how the Emigrants have created a "flame" around the world.

 In 1847 the potato crop failed entirely. This year was known as black '47. Blight struck the potato plants and when they were dug up from the ground the potatoes crumbled like black ash. For the Irish living in distant rural areas, this was a tragedy. For generations, all the people had ever eaten for all meals of the day was potatoes. They didn't even know about other types of food. Potatoes were all they could grow, so for the poor in the rural areas that was all they had to eat.

For those living in the towns, life tended to be slightly better, and they did not starve because other foods still grew which they could eat.

But as the famine continued for the next several years, the people grew emaciated. When the English decided to do something about it, they imported Native American grain. But it was too little too late, and the Irish didn't know what to do with the grain if they could get it. Soup kitchens were opened in the towns, but they did not help most of the people who needed it most. Those who desperately needed it lived out in the country and were too weak from starvation and disease to make the long, long journey into town for a little soup, which was just flavored water and not very nutritious.

A few centuries before the famine when the English came and pushed the indigenous Irish to the far corners of Ireland, being Catholic was outlawed. This continued through the time of the famine. If you were Catholic, you were not allowed to own land, so your entire family, grandparents through grandchildren and the generations beyond, had to live in a tiny house on small plots of land that was rented. It was common for Catholic families to have over ten children, but most of them never lived to see adulthood. But the Irish had been faithful Catholics for over a thousand years, and they were not going to change because of these difficulties. Rather, they clung to their faith that God would see them through these troubles. Food was offered to them as a bribe to forsake their Catholic faith, and most would not risk their or their children's eternal destination for a bowl of soup.

Since the people were still dying, the English government told the landlords to "give assistance" to their tenants. However, it was easier and cheaper for most of the landlords to get rid of the dying Irish and use the land for grazing livestock. Many got the cheapest ticket they could find and offered it to the Irish. It was a ticket for a ship sailing to the new world, and it was the only way for them to survive so many of them were forced to take it.

These ships were just glorified cargo ships. The living quarters for these Irish passengers were atrocious. The inside of the ship showed what the living quarters for the people traveling on the ships would have looked like.
First class beds
 One family would have to fit on one of these bunk beds. But there were often over ten people in one bed. They also had to store any of their belongings with them on the bed, so they kept their food, pots and anything else with them.

For food, each family was brought up onto the deck of the ship where they had to bake bread over a fire until it was rock hard because it needed to last them until the next time they had a chance to make more. To eat it, they took rainwater, dipped the bread in, to moisten it, crumbled it into a ball and fed it to themselves or their children while the sailors ate fresh fish or salted meat.
 This bed is a representation of the White family's living quarters. These are just two of the children. "Mrs. White" came to talk to us holding her newborn baby. (Women sometimes had to give birth in these dreadful conditions. Needless to say, they rarely survived.) She said that her husband was sick. (The ship was disease ridden with typhoid fever and various other diseases.) Three of her children had died over the winter. By being on the lower bunks, you were subject to the vomit and diarrhea from the sick people above you. The "mattresses" were only a pile of straw so that any liquid would drip down.
 This paper represents the names and number of people occupying the bunk.
 If you had no family, you had to sleep with complete strangers.
 Unfortunately, the conditions were so bad, and the voyage so long, many people died on these ships, which is why they became known as "Coffin" ships. But those who made it to the new world did very well. They worked hard, educated their children and made a much better life for themselves. John. F. Kennedy's ancestors came to America on the Dunbrody ship, and just a few generations later, he became the president.

The bell from the original ship.

JFK Memorial.
The stables

The Cow House

What is left of the old house.

The inside of the stables has been arranged to look like the inside of the house where John F Kennedy would have visited his family. People cannot go into the real house, obviously, because his family still lives there.
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The car seat that JFK sat on when visiting.

a replica of the house

What the farm used to look like.

The gate that JFK came in.